Tuesday 14 December 2010

The Blue Snowflake, I loves it I do...

Awwww that sounds cute doesn't it? Leeeetal shnowflake cutchy coo! Well folks, the name might sound cute, but this little sucker packs a punch.

I don't know about you, but I've spent years in and out of studios, music shops, front rooms and bedrooms, trying to get recordings right, trying to sound the best I can with what I have. In the last ten years home recording has changed. Thanks to the company who shall not be named, the podcast has become its own medium, up there with radio and TV like it had always been there. So too have the tools to make them. Ten years ago I was using a 4-track recorder to capture my quirky take on life through music. Now I record drums, guitars, strings, vocals, brass, anything I can possibly imagine through my MacBook at home. Amazing.

Recently a friend set up four analogue microphones, put them through a mixer and into the line in of his MacBook. I offered this as an alternative. Guess what? Twice as loud as all the others put together. It provides a beautifully crisp sound and can slip onto your laptop screen with its handy design. I imagine it would be amazing for podcasts on the road although my experience of it has always been in home recording. Most of what you hear over at musicofedgar.com was recorded using the snowflake, so make your own mind up.

If you're looking for an entry level USB microphone, you could do a lot worse than the Blue Snowflake. I loves it I do.

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