Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The new Facebook messaging system...

Now this is something I imagine I'll come back to once it's been rolled out properly, but I thought it needed mention as something to potentially make online lives easier.

I know people who over-use Facebook, showing they're undergarments to anyone who can stomach them, tact and self-respect cast aside like a drunk at a party. I know people who detest Facebook and feel they are basically a data-mining company, doing everything they can to get their filthy mitts on your stuff. Then there are the common sense users who take privacy seriously and show themselves online much as they would in the real world.

I believe all parties have to agree that the idea behind Facebook's new messaging system is an attempt to make people's lives easier. I was going to say users then, but I mean people. The idea is to connect people, whether they are Facebook users or not. You'll be able to email, SMS and IM each other in an entirely integrated way. In fact, labelling these different types of messaging should just melt into the background - you'll simply be sending someone a message.

That's the idea anyway, and I like it. Will some people still drop their drawers in public? Of course. Will Facebook expect something out of it? Of course. Will we look back at it as a milestone in communication? Well, I hope so.

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